Sustainable concrete of a new generation For future generations.

After water, concrete is the second most used material worldwide.
Our industry plays an important role in the decarbonisation of building materials. Heidelberg Materials Betoon AS understands this challenge and promotes the transition to environmentally sustainable construction as part of the Heidelberg Materials Group.


less CO2 emissions


quality, reliability, durability


raw materials of local origin




EcoCrete, a concrete product with lower CO2 emissions, now accounts for 70% of our concrete production.

  • Ecocrete is suitable for all concrete works and construction of various structures.
  • When monitoring the production process, the requirements of the certified production control system according to the standard EVS-EN 206 are followed.
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions by up to 20%.

  • Good product quality, reliability and durability are achieved without negative environmental impact.

  • Reliability is ensured by sustainability certificates of conformity


Basic features Features of use
Environmental classes X0, XC1, XC2, XC3, XC4, XS1, XS2, XS3, XD1, XD2, XD3, XA1
Sinking classes S1; S2; S3; S4
Compressive strength classes C12/15, C16/20, C20/25, C25/30, C30/37, C35/45
Chloride content class Cl 0,20
The largest grain size Dmax 16 mm
Fire resistance class Euro A1

Combines our usual high quality and long life perfectly with a smaller CO2 footprint.